Wow ... It's a good news... I received awards... Thanks so much to Kitchen flavour for extended the “One Lovely Blog Award" and "Happy 101 Blog Award" to me. I feel honored and appreciated. It is something very encouraging for new blogger like me. I do love her blog very much, it’s Inspired me a lot ... never meet her in person but already consider as friend for she is my regular visitor and commenter.
One Lovely Blog Award
Happy 101 Blog Award
Rules of Accepting This Blog Award:
1. Post who passed on this Award to you.
2. List 10 things that you like.
3. Name 10 Blogs who have inspired you.
10 things that I really like:
- Cooking
- Collecting cookbook
- Gardening
- Cross stitching
- My tradition foods (KadazanDusun Cuisine)
- Chinese and Nyonya Cuisines
- Collecting bowls, plates, mugs and teapots
- Spaghetti... any type of spaghetti
- Lemon tea ice
- Make friends with food blogger
I would like to combine and pass on these two awards to my 10 favorite blogs. May be there are some of them who do not know my blog but I am very pleased to pass on this award because their blog are really inspiring.
- My Asian Kitchen
- Kahakai Kitchen
- Nasi Lemak Lover
- Lets Get Wokking
- Simply Healthy Family
- 3 Hungry Tummies
- The Little Teochew : Singaporean Homecooking
- Cooking Crave
- Singapore Food & Recipes
- My Wok Life
Congratulation and Happy Blogging.
Do visit the blogs above for more info.